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The BIO of

Our Pastor

Charlene Neal-Keitt was born in Greensboro, NC and is the mother of one son. Prior to being called into the ministry, and with prayers from her spiritual overseer, Pastor  Michael Thomas of Love and Faith Christian Fellowship, Pastor Neal-Keitt serves as the Pastor at A Journey into Wholeness Cathedral Worldwide Ministries teaching and preaching the word of God. She also strives to encourage those through her Tuesday night Teleconference line, Facebook Live and through You Tube. After much prayer, Pastor Charlene Neal-Keitt know that God has called her Pastor this dynamic Church. 

In addition, Charlene Neal-Keitt earned a  Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Counseling and Bible theology and she provides Life Building Skills for adults and the youth through Zoom and in person. For more information go to: wholeness.pro

Last, she has served as the host of her show entitled Matters of The Heart where her goal was and still is, to break down the spirit of religion and build relationships.

Thank you for viewing our website and God bless!

Love, Pastor Charlene Neal Keitt

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